
Eyeful Insights



Harvard Business Review described it as a “leadership imperative”. Richard Branson is quoted as saying that “Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess”.

Yet clear, executive communication has never been tougher. The stakes are higher, the mediums used are in a perpetual state of flux and audiences have never been more diverse or challenging.’

Eyeful Insights is a thought leadership programme, aimed at supporting business leaders to tackle the ongoing challenge of clear communication. Our selection of whitepapers, videos and podcasts are designed to spark the change within your business.

The Dawn of the Hybrid Presentation – Eyeful Insights Report 2022

The concept of ‘hybrid presenting’– simultaneously engaging with audiences online and in the room with you – is relatively new but set to become a significant communication challenge as work practices change and audience engagement patterns evolve.
It seems only natural, then, for this hot but under-investigated area to be the topic of our latest Eyeful Insights report, available as both a PDF download and interactive online tool.

Please let us know a little bit about yourself before downloading or accessing our latest 2022 Insights Report.

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The fact is that fast evolving audiences, technology and external pressures mean that the old way of presenting no longer delivers results.  The net result of poor presentations is all too familiar – disengaged, ambivalent and confused audiences that slow down progress within your business rather than drive it forward.  Eyeful Insights provides inspiration across the entire presentation landscape; from engaging diverse audiences and crafting leadership stories through to new ways of measuring presentations within your organisation.

Download, consume and be the catalyst for change within your business…

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