
It’s that time of the year when the Eyeful team gather to eat our body weight in chocolates and proudly wear remarkably garish jumpers.

It’s also a time to reflect on 2019 and thank those people who have made it a special year (that’ll be you, then).

So, be you a new or longstanding friend of Eyeful, THANK YOU for making 2019 a gift of a year. We’ve been lucky enough to share our time and talents with some remarkable businesses over the last 12 months. We’ve also found time to grow the team, move into our new Presentation Campus and do the odd bit here and there for charity. 2019 is a year we will remember very fondly.

As you might imagine, the preparations for 2020 are already in full swing. Amidst the presentation storytelling, visualising and training, we’ll also be unveiling (or should that be unwrapping?) our new offering, Eyeful3 and organising more Innovation Days at the Presentation Campus. Watch this space…

So, on behalf of the ever-growing Eyeful team, we wish you a wonderful holiday spent with your favourite people. We’ll see you on the other side.

With huge thanks,

Love From The Eyeful Team X

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