
I started Eyeful Presentations 15 years ago to help fix a major problem – business presentations simply weren’t up to scracth.

A lot has changed since then…

  • The weapon of choice for most presenters, PowerPoint, is unrecognisable, utilising new fangled tech like AI to improve the presentation creation process. 
  • Movements like TED have set a new standard, by which people now judge the quality of their presentations. 
  • The technology landscape has changed – 15 years ago, concepts like tablets, nano-projectors and immediate feedback via social media were the stuff of science fiction. 
  • And of course, audiences have evolved. Back then, we didn’t know what ‘Millennials’ were let alone be developing presentations that met their very different approach to consuming and acting upon content. 

Yet despite all these changes, some things remain resolutely stuck in the past – the quality of most B2B presentations remain frustratingly poor.

At Eyeful, we’ve launched the #PresentBetter campaign to try and raise the bar.

15 years down the line, we recognise that we’re not going to be able to do this on our own.

Calling all presenters, designers, event managers, marketing experts, sales gurus, internal comms teams, the investor comms sector…we all need to work together to improve the quality of presentations being delivered day in, day out.

We all know that great presentations push the agenda forward, clearly communicate important information and prompt people into action. We owe it to our audiences to make the most of this powerful communication tool and ensure ‘OK’ is no longer acceptable.

But of course the most influential stakeholder in this whole presentation revolution is you, the audience.

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