
You have a sneaking suspicion that your presentation is a little, um, dull.

You’ve hacked away at the text.

You’ve fiddled with the images.

It’s time to break out the ‘interesting animations’. From migraine-inducing transitions to mind-boggling motion paths, your presentation now resembles a shoot-em-up video game. 

All sense of message, structure and story have been sacrificed in an attempt to ‘keep things interesting’.

You’re better than this – #PresentBetter

Animations can play an important part in telling your story and engaging an audience. When used correctly, they are an incredibly effective way of guiding your message and ensuring it sticks. The opposite also applies.

Let the team at Eyeful show you how to make ‘good’ use of animations (we’ll leave the ‘bad’ and ‘ugly’ to others).

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