
2020 will go down in history as the year that changed everything. Impacting everything from the way we socially interact, work our jobs, and ultimately live our lives. Now 2021 is well underway, and the future is looking a little brighter, the team here at Eyeful want to help you make this the year of improving your skillset (as well as your mindset).

Sales & Pitch presentations are interesting beasts. Get them right, and you feel like a Superhero; get them wrong, and you can feel the ground swallowing you up.

Sales still rely heavily on presentation materials, but more than half (57.2%) of sales leaders believe that the quality of their sales presentations “needs improvement” or major redesign (CSO Insights).

What are the missed opportunities?

Eyeful’s IP has identified lots of areas of improvement needed for Sales & Pitch presentations, such as:

  • Rigid presentations – not being able to easily adapt your presentations to each audience can be fatal. You don’t want to make your audience feel like one of a crowd of many; they need to feel like their specific needs are being addressed.
  • It’s not all about you – Tempting as it can be to start with how great your company is, chances are that the audience already know what’s great about you. They want to learn how you are going to help fix their problems and straight away.
  • What’s the story? – At Eyeful, we believe the best way of engaging your audience is through compelling stories. Without a powerful story to talk through your proposition, your audience will most likely switch off and disengage.

Pitch presentations also pose additional challenges such as:

  • Little time to prepare – Businesses like to challenge pitching teams with aggressive deadlines, giving you little time to get ready but plenty of time to panic.
  • Give them what they need, not what they want – the agenda can be a poisoned chalice, should you stick to it and risk being forgotten or veer away from it and be memorable?

You need training that delivers

We’ll be blunt – many of these challenges are solved by ensuring you invest time in yourself and get to grips with some of your weaknesses. The importance of giving yourself a fighting chance by reviewing what’s working (and what isn’t) cannot be underestimated.

Of course, the best way to improve in all these areas is to work with a company that knows sales presentations and the challenges faced by sales presenters inside out.

(At this point, we will respectfully remind you that Eyeful is an expert presentation company that has worked on thousands of sales presentations since 2005. Being at the forefront of presentation thinking means we have been able to help guide sales presenters to win deals and come out on top when pitching).

By ‘codifying’ our approach to presentations, we have developed an expert practitioner-led set of sales training programmes that gets you nearer to winning that deal. We cover the whole gamut of the presentation process with our own experts in sales, design, content, presenting and Marketing. Our masterclass approach ensures an excellent return on investment so that you go into that next deal or pitch fully confident of winning your next opportunity.


Click your way through to a deep dive on what we do, how we do it and, most importantly, why it matters:


Learn the fundamentals for developing a compelling and engaging sales presentation. Be ready to be challenged on the way you think about and approach sales presentations, from inception through to delivery.

2 to 8 Hours


Learn how to apply sales storytelling techniques that engage and persuade prospects. Discover a range of story structures that can be applied in any situation to drive results.

2 to 8 hours

Taking Control of Your PowerPoint

Maximise your efficiency, raise your design and animation game by learning the hacks used by Eyeful’s PowerPoint experts whilst learning how to create your own sales presentation masterpiece.



Take your PowerPoint and Visualisation skills to the next level. Master the skills and technical know-how needed to visualise your sales story in a way that captures the imagination of your potential prospects and existing clientele.

2 to 8 hours


Connect with your customers and prospects, command the room and deliver results by optimising your sales presentation soft skills. Ultimately giving you the ROI you are after.


We understand that one size does not fit all, so when it comes to our training programmes, we have tailored our approach specifically to our client’s requirements also in a range of environments:

With our tried and tested methodologies and our IP from our book ‘The Presentation Lab,’ our training programmes have been developed to enable you to take that leap into the fast-evolving world of sales presentation optimisation. Let’s face it, maximising your sales presentation skills now has never been more critical.

The net result? Delivering your story in a way that truly engages your audience and garners the results you are after.


Our Unique Training Approach:

The Art of the Sales Presentation:

The Sales Presentation Fail That Cost $14 Billion:

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