
We’ll be the first to acknowledge that the phrase ‘Content is King’ has become a little trite. For decades, we and companies like Eyeful have extolled the virtues of crafting content that connects and drives action from audiences. And it’s paid huge dividends for our customers because, when done well, content plays a vital role in moving customer engagements from the transactional to a more consultative, trust-based relationships. Everyone wins.

We recognise that you know this and, chances are, you’ve heard it all before.

The thing is, the last 12 months have seen a seismic shift in the way buyers and influencers engage with, and act upon, content. Much of this shift can be blamed on the pandemic (most things are) but the influence of technology has an equal part to play. In the latest in our series on the changes afoot in sales and marketing content, our sister company, Sales Engine, digs deeper into the reasons for the evolution as well as posing that most important of questions – evolve or die?

Follow this link to learn more. To dig a little deeper, drop us a line or give us a call for a more involved conversation about how Eyeful, in conjunction with Sales Engine, can help ensure your content makes that next evolutionary step.

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