
It’s always a pleasure to share customer success stories. After all, the best people to talk about the impact of our services are the very people we have helped.

However, this particular success stories goes beyond a hearty slap on the back for our content and design teams. The wonderful Emma Weighill Baskerville from Vita Health Group generously shares some of the lessons learned through the process of pitching to the NHS for a year-defining contract.

A pitch that had to be delivered remotely. With next to no time to prepare. Oh, and limited to a strict 20 minutes.

Click the video to learn…

  • The art of the remote pitch
  • Maintain the chemistry with your co-presenter when they’re 200 miles away
  • The new role played by visuals
  • Why trust is THE most vital ingredient
  • And, perhaps surprisingly, how the bid and pitch process can feel like a tumultuous love affair.


Does Your Pitch Presentation Measure Up?:

The Zen Art of Pitch Presentations:

‘Remote Ready’ Toolkit:

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