Being in business for 17 years and counting brings a few advantages.
There’s the obvious – by then, you know what you’re doing, you’ve optimised processes so things run smoothly and efficiently, and you’ve got the best people ‘on the bus’. And then there are those things that never appeared in your original business plan but now play an important part in your ongoing success – a respected and trusted brand, documented IP that is proven to work and loyal customer contacts who change roles now and again.
In truth, this tendency for happy customers to invite you into their new business was a lovely surprise when it first happened. Outside of the joy of adding a new logo to the pile, this VIP entrance means that we can get to work on making a difference a whole lot quicker. The confidence that your (now longstanding) customer has in your abilities means that you can hit the ground running, dodging the ‘prove yourself with a few lipstick on a pig projects phase’ and diving into addressing their real issues (typically a lack of story, overarching message and understanding of the power of a presentation.
This wonderful habit of successful customers moving here and there has led to our strong presence in sectors as diverse as Banking & Finance, Technology and the Built Environment. We love it and take it as proof positive that we’re doing something right (and have been for the last 17 years).
A case in point is a recent new engagement with the team at M-Seals. Meeting up again with a ‘repeat customer’ like Ross Cunningham was always going to be fun. But getting the chance to work with his new team to dig deep and develop a powerful story and set of tools (pre and post the presentation phase) is proof positive of our ‘old friends’ theory.
Let us hand over to Ross to tell the story…
How We Do It:
Presentation Storytelling:
Eyeful+ Onboarding: